Oh really, there is a uncover hidden connection between Britain and France.
Oh really, there is a uncover hidden connection between Britain and France:
Oh really, there is a uncover hidden connection between Britain and France.
Do you know for decades scientists have thought that the British mainland was created by the coming together of two landmasses, known as Avalonia and Laurentia, more than 400 million years ago. But now a new publish has changed the whole chapter which has proposed a new idea of a uncover hidden connection between Britain and France. Have a look at what the new publish says:
- A study published in the journal Nature Communications proposes the idea that a third landmass, known as Armorica, may have also had a role in its formation, revealing a connection between Britain and France.
- A large part of southwest Britain has geological roots that are identical to France.
- Which mean Britain is not only made of two continental fragments as we always thought.
- Some million years old volcanoes were always ignored due to there complexity which is still under study.
- To there surprise the chemical composition of several chemical properties that were based on British geology.
- Volcano rocks of the same age in France made then the whole picture very clear.
- Now, this is a completely new way of thinking about how Britain was formed.
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